pace computing
pace computing
web design
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Web Services > Software

Power your
company with our secure, multi-
user, database
driven software.


Custom Software Design
Today's standard in software design is to build web applications. This lets you use low cost server software while still allowing large groups of users to access your data at the same time.

We design our software to run on Linux systems backed by SQL databases. We have found that this gives you the greatest flexibility at the lowest cost.

    Safe, Secure   Access

    By using industry
     standard web
     application coding
   that is LAMP compliant, your custom program
                       can be accessed through 64, 128 or 256 bit encryption. Also, because we use industry standard tools, there is a large group of programmers ensuring that those components stay safe and secure. All this security without any need for a VPN connection.

  Multi-User, Multi- Location multi-user multi-location

By using web
   standards and
     creating LAMP
 (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), we can provide you with secure, multi-user applications that are accessible from multiple locations. There is no need for expensive Terminal servers or Citrix servers, just an Internet connection and a compatible web server. You don't even need to set up complex VPN security to have fully encrypted communication
  SQL Database Application Database Driven

 Our database driven programs ensure that you can scale our applications from single user implementations up to enterprise levels with redundant, high-availability servers. Also, because we use SQL, you can keep transaction logs and can perform hot backups.

Also, using web standards and SQL databases means that our software can be easily extended and modified.